Madonna isn’t one to give up easily on what she wants. And, right know, what she wants is 3-year-old Mercy James from Malawi.

So, after getting rejected to adopt the little girl (because living with a rich and loving mom is so much worse than living in an orphanage), Madge is giving the adoption another try.

In fact, she’s hoping to now build a home in Malawi!

According to the judge who rejected her adoption last week, Madonna hadn’t lived in Malawi for the required 18 months.

An inside source reveals, “Madonna has a big, beautiful plot of land over there already. She’s planning to build a girl’s school in the Chinkhota village and those designs are well under way. But she’s gone back to the designers and asked if they could accommodate a family home on the plot or on adjacent land.”

So Madge is now having plans drawn up for a potential home in Malawi which she thinks will also benefit her adopted son, David Banda, by being able to visit his birthplace often.

Let’s hope it all turns out well for those involved!

The woman whom Demi Moore saved via Twitter from committing suicide is thanking the actress for reaching out.

The San Jose, California, woman says, “I’ve always been a fan of Demi Moore and she did an excellent job in helping me and she deserves a lot of praise. I would also like to thank Daniel Morton, the original Twitter user that reached out to me and everyone else on the network that offered their support. I’m really grateful that so many people helped me during a time of need.”

Taking a proactive approach, the woman is seeking aid through

I do not support taking your own life but i do know that when someone wants to take their life they don’t get on twitter or reach out they just do it. So i hate this people that are out for attention because that is all it is attention seeking.

We should all learn something from this we need to stop domestic violence. It has to stop here.